Monday, March 10, 2014

31 Things To Do With CSA Veggies

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture.  Some of you might be familiar with this set up.  For those who don't know, some people buy a box of veggies and fruits every week in the parking lot of a school or whole foods directly from the farmer.  Sometimes you have NO IDEA what's in the box, all you know is that it's seasonal and it helps out the farmer by being able to already know their produce is sold.  However, this leaves many of us with a box full of random veggies that we have never tried before!  I saw this fun article on BuzzFeed (click there to go to the article) that helps us out!  I always feel like a con when I pick up the box because everyone looks like they know exactly what they are going to do with their box.... as I sit in my car wondering what the hell that huge ball with a tree branch is.  I once was thinking the farmer was playing a joke on me by throwing in compost into my box.  This is actually one of the reason's why I started juicing!

I figured I get these great organic veggies every week and I don't want it to go to waste so might as well juice all the left overs.... yes, it tastes the utter SH*T but for some reason I feel healthy after drinking it... watch, it's not supposed to be juiced.  I should really get some real recipes for these boxes! If you don't have a CSA in your neighborhood, just google it.  In California, there is a company called Farm Fresh To You, and they deliver STATE WIDE!  I once saw a groupon for it, so you might want to take a look.

10 Super Weird Celebrity Diets!

Did you know that Madonna only eats air?! I know that sounds really weird, but she has a diet where she makes food and brings it right up to her mouth and then doesn't eat it.  She just has salt water soup... uhhh... yeah, some of these celeb diets are WEIRD! I guess that's why they call it Hollyweird?  Anyhow for more on what J.Aniston, Beyonce and others do to keep their physique go check out this blog Your Best Fat Burner 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

(20+10) X 5 Work Out

20 Lunges
10 Push Ups
5 Times
Write down how long it took you to do this as this will now be the time to beat going forward.

I hate lunges! So to make it go faster I lunge my way around the house and count.  It makes me feel like I'm not really working out but working my way to the kitchen!  The key to this exercise is to get your heart rate going and stretching your legs.

Many trainers suggest working out 5 days and resting for 2 days.  I would suggest the same, doing it every other day only makes you lazy.  Getting into the habit of doing 5 days in a row will let you see results faster and keep you on track.

The 10-10-10 Times 5

10 Sit Ups
10 Push Ups
10 Air Squats

Do 5 Sets of that and you will have worked your arms, abs and butt.  The trick is to just commit to doing it.  You won't see results tomorrow, but you sure will feel the burn and the burn means you're on the right track!  Don't give up and keep going!  Here is a video on how to do Air Squats