Thursday, February 27, 2014

(20+10) X 5 Work Out

20 Lunges
10 Push Ups
5 Times
Write down how long it took you to do this as this will now be the time to beat going forward.

I hate lunges! So to make it go faster I lunge my way around the house and count.  It makes me feel like I'm not really working out but working my way to the kitchen!  The key to this exercise is to get your heart rate going and stretching your legs.

Many trainers suggest working out 5 days and resting for 2 days.  I would suggest the same, doing it every other day only makes you lazy.  Getting into the habit of doing 5 days in a row will let you see results faster and keep you on track.

The 10-10-10 Times 5

10 Sit Ups
10 Push Ups
10 Air Squats

Do 5 Sets of that and you will have worked your arms, abs and butt.  The trick is to just commit to doing it.  You won't see results tomorrow, but you sure will feel the burn and the burn means you're on the right track!  Don't give up and keep going!  Here is a video on how to do Air Squats